Graphic Novel
Zeebenen, a Graphic Novel
A small book (13x19,5 cm) about a girl who was born with sea-legs (which sounds way better in Dutch: zeebenen). In this book she has lots of adventures, overcomes many hardships and learns quite a lot about herself. Throughout the book, the sea functions as a symbol for her inner, emotional world. The most important thing about the story is that she learns to love the ocean and that she learns to swim in it.
Similar to the Verheimen animation I challenged myself to work using abstract forms and shapes. I drew lots of random shapes, tested many materials, and paired these shapes with photographs from my youth which I scanned, printed, and then scanned again to give them a special look. Included in the book are tiny books with (fragments of) interviews I conducted with three people who are and have been important to my development throughout the years.